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Bratan sgudail cat PVC

Tuairisgeul toraidh

1.Tha am mata fàilte clò-bhuailte air a dhèanamh de PVC, bog agus comhfhurtail, a’ gabhail a-steach uisge agus a’ tiormachadh gu sgiobalta.
2.Support pàtran agus gnàthachadh suaicheantas, clò-bhualadh ainm do chompanaidh no sluagh-ghairm sanasachd air matan dorais coil pvc.
3. Faodaidh cùl-taic PVC na matan làr inntrigidh a chumail gu daingeann nan àite agus sleamhnachadh a sheachnadh.
Tha matan 4.Door air an dèanamh suas de pvc a tha furasta a ghlanadh agus a nighe, dìreach cleachd inneal-glanaidh no uisge saimeant, bidh na mataichean uile glan.

Modail toraidh: matan dorais clò-bhuailte

Paramadairean Teicnigeach
stuth pvc
Suaicheantas Suaicheantas gnàthaichte
Meud 40*60cm,45*75cm,60*90cm,90*120cm,Meud gnàthaichte
Tigheadas 8-15mm
Cuideam 950g-1400g

Our customized services

supporting free customization of colors, sizes, shapes, product template design, packaging, and so on.

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This professionally-made cat litter mat gets the grains of litter off your cat’s feet and traps them effectively as you kitty steps out of the litter box. It has a kind of tangled meshing so that the litter falls into it but can’t easily be pushed out.

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The pet mat is made by environment PVC material,high quality PVC Layer absorbs the dirt/food/sand from your pet’s paw.The environmental protection hot melt technology takes shape in one body,prevents to fall off,soft wear-resisting.PVC material makes it more soft and stable for pet to stand on fine workmanship,durable and beautiful.

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All Special for You:

–unique design

–durable service

–many color for you

–different thickness can choose

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Leading PVC Cat Litter Mats Manufacturers and Suppliers

Are you tired of finding scattered litter all over your floor? The solution lies in choosing the best cat litter mat that not only traps litter but also offers waterproof protection for your floors. 

What Is a Cat Litter Mat and Why Do You Need One?

A cat litter mat is a specially designed mat placed under or near your cat's litter box to capture stray litter particles from your cat's paws. These mats are essential for maintaining a clean home environment by preventing litter scatter and reducing the amount of litter tracked onto your floor.

Why is it necessary?

Trap litter effectively from your cat's paws.
Protect your floor with a waterproof barrier.
Easy to clean and maintain for long-term use.
Using a cat litter mat not only keeps your home tidy but also provides a more hygienic space for your beloved kitty.

How Do Cat Litter Mats Trap Litter?

Bratan sgudail cat are designed with special features to sgudal ribe:

  • Textured surfaces like grooves and ridges remove litter from your cat's paws.
  • Honeycomb patterns in double-layer mats capture and contain litter within the mata.
  • Deep grooves prevent litter scattering onto the làr.

By placing the mata near the bogsa sgudail, you ensure that most of the loose litter is caught, reducing the amount of litter tracking throughout your home.

The Importance of Waterproof Cat Litter Mats

uisge-dhìonach mata sgudail is crucial for protecting your làr from moisture and spills.

  • Prevents urine leakage onto the làr.
  • Waterproof backing a' cumail an mata dry underneath.
  • Seasmhach materials ensure long-lasting use.

mata sgudail cat uisge-dhìonach not only protects your flooring but also makes cleaning up accidents much easier.

Choosing the Best Cat Litter Mat for Your Cat

When selecting the mata sgudail cat as fheàrr, consider the following factors:

Material and Durability

  • EVA agus PVC materials are seasmhach agus super light.
  • Neo-shleamhnach backing keeps the mata in place.
  • Pet-friendly materials are safe for your cat.

Meud agus còmhdach

  • large size mata covers more area, capturing more litter scatter.
  • Extra-large options are ideal for households with multiple cats.

Furasta a ghlanadh

  • Furasta a ghlanadh surfaces save you time.
  • cuid matan tha inneal a ghabhas nighe for added convenience.
  • Double-layer designs allow you to dump trapped litter back into the bogsa sgudail.

By focusing on these features, you can find a mata sgudail cat that fits your needs and keeps your home clean.

Are Double Layer Cat Litter Mats Effective?

Gu tur! Double layer cat litter mats have become popular due to their efficiency.

  • Tha an cìr-mheala top layer catches litter from your cat's paws.
  • The bottom layer collects the litter, preventing it from scattering.
  • Furasta a ghlanadh by separating the layers and disposing of the trapped litter.

iad seo matan are highly effective at reducing litter scatter and keeping your làr clean.

How to Maintain Your Cat Litter Mat

Proper maintenance ensures that your litter trapping mat remains effective.

  • Shake off the trapped litter regularly.
  • Vacuum the mata to remove fine particles.
  • Airson inneal a ghabhas nighe matan, follow the care instructions for best results.
  • Spot clean any urine spills immediately to prevent odors.

A 'cumail do mata clean not only maintains its appearance but also provides a hygienic environment for your cat.

Customer Reviews: What Do Cat Parents Say?

Cat parents who have invested in quality matan sgudail often share positive feedback.

"The litter trapping mat has been a game-changer! My kitty no longer tracks litter everywhere, and cleaning is a breeze." - Sarah J.

"I love that this mat is designed to be furasta a ghlanadh. Just a quick shake and it's good as new." - Mike D.

Such lèirmheasan luchd-cleachdaidh highlight the importance of choosing the right mata sgudail cat for your home.

Supporting Cat Litter Mats Manufacturers Made in China

Choosing products made in the China supports local businesses like the Shandong Jincheng Carpet Co.,Ltd..

  • Ensures high-quality mata manufacturing standards.
  • Reduces environmental impact with shorter shipping distances.
  • Supports the domestic economy and provides jobs.

Trusted Chinese PVC Cat Litter Mats Factory Direct Supplier.

Can Machine Washable Mats Simplify Cleaning?

Tha! Inneal a ghabhas nighe cat litter mats offer unparalleled convenience.

  • Easy clean process by tossing the mata a-steach don inneal nigheadaireachd.
  • Saves time and effort compared to manual cleaning.
  • Maintains the mat's durability and effectiveness over time.

A 'taghadh a machine washable litter box mat can significantly reduce the hassle of maintenance.

Tips for Reducing Litter Scatter Beyond Using a Mat

While a mata sgudail cat is crucial, consider these additional tips:

  • High-sided litter boxes to contain litter.
  • Use of litter box enclosures.
  • Regularly trim your cat's paws fur to reduce litter sticking.
  • Choose low-track litter varieties.

Combining these methods with a quality litter trapping mat maximizes cleanliness.

Conclusion: Invest in the Best Cat Litter Mat Today

A earbsach mata sgudail cat is an essential investment for any cat parent. It keeps your làir clean, reduces litter scatter, and provides a comfortable experience for your kitty.


  • Coimhead airson matan with effective glacadh sgudail feartan.
  • Tagh uisge-dhìonachseasmhach, agus furasta a ghlanadh roghainnean.
  • Support products made in the USA when possible.

By selecting the mata sgudail cat as fheàrr for your home, you're ensuring a cleaner environment and a happier cat.


Bathar Co-cheangailte

bratan sgrìobadh cat (3)
Bratan sgudail cat PVC
bratan sgudail cat PVC àbhaisteach
bratan sgudail cat a tha càirdeil don àrainneachd

Faighnich airson Aithris Luath

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Freagraidh sinn thu taobh a-staigh 24 uairean. Mas ann airson cùis èiginneach, feuch an cuir thu WhatsApp / WeChat: +86-150-0634-5663. No cuir fòn gu +86-152-6346-3986 gu dìreach.

*Tha sinn a' toirt urram do dhìomhaireachd agus tha am fiosrachadh uile air a dhìon.