home - Jincheng-Mats & Carpets Manufacturer In China

Jincheng-Mats & Carpets Manufacturer In China

Eòlas bliadhnaichean
Raon factaraidh
patent dealbhadh
Sgioba proifeasanta
A Professional Manufacturer Of Mat&Carpets.
Reliable Manufacturer
As a market-leading Rug & Mat manufacturer with 14 Years of Experience, we're globally acknowledged by customers for our reliability and quality.
Dearbhadh Càileachd
Le roinn sgrùdaidh càileachd sònraichte, taic gus bhidio a thoirt seachad a bhios a ’sgrùdadh thoraidhean, a’ dèanamh cinnteach à càileachd toraidh, a ’cur fàilte air luchd-ceannach tadhal air an fhactaraidh.
Bidh dealbhadairean proifeasanta a’ dealbhadh phàtranan an-asgaidh, a’ toirt taic do ghnàthachadh an-asgaidh de dhhathan, meudan, chumaidhean, dealbhadh teamplaid toraidh, pacadh, agus mar sin air adhart.
Comas cinneasachaidh làidir
Tha measgachadh de loidhnichean toraidh toraidh againn, le sgioba proifeasanta agus dealbhadh, is urrainn dhuinn 6000 meatairean ceàrnagach de bhrat-ùrlair a thoirt gu buil ann an 24 uairean, le comasan cinneasachaidh làidir.
Shandong Jincheng Carpet Co., Ltd.
Shandong Jincheng Carpet Co., Ltd. is located in Laiwu, Shandong, which is known as the non-woven capital of China. The company was founded in 2010. We mainly sells PVC composite floor mats, PVC coil floor mat, natural fiber rope woven floor mats, European and American standard artificial grass, pet mats, and has strong design and development capabilities. We are committed to the development of green and environmentally friendly household products.There are more than 30 patents, including 3 invention patents. Undertake OEM and ODM customization. The company is now a high-tech enterprise. It has passed ISO9001, four-system certification, the European Union standard REACH test, the SGS product test of the California Act No. 65, and the BSCI factory certification. Its products are exported to more than 100 countries and regions.


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Cuiridh sinn fios thugad taobh a-staigh 1 latha-obrach, feuch an toir thu aire don phost-d leis an iar-leasachan“[email protected]”.

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