
Faigh In Touch

Cat Scratching Mat

Tuairisgeul toraidh:

  1. Made from 100% natural and premium sisal, cat scratching pad is strong enough to resist the sharpest claws for a long enough time.
  2. Sisal cat pads are also safe and non-toxic cat scratch for indoor cats, not treated with harsh chemicals or other substances. Healthy for your adorable pet to scratch all day.
  3. Prevent your furniture and carpets from damage caused by cat scratching since they are the“natural sisal fabric mat”at home.

Product Model: Sisal Cat Scratching Mat

Paramadairean Teicnigeach:


Stuth: Sisal
Dath: nature sisal color
Meud: 30*40cm,35*43cm,40*60cm,41*41cm;
Tighead: 8-11mm
Stuth: Sisal + Fabric

Cat scratch mat is made of natural sisal. Sisal fabric have strong and rough properties. it’s sustainable and durable, doesn’t shreds so many, less mess on the floor, which is a great cat-satisfying scratching material.

112Cat scratch mat is made of natural sisal. Sisal fabric have strong and rough properties. it’s sustainable and durable, doesn’t shreds so many, less mess on the floor, which is a great cat-satisfying scratching material.

Unique Anti-slip Design: The sisal cat carpet scratch backside have anti-skid latex to help the sisal cat scratch pad stay firmly in place when your furry friend has fun,satisfying cats with a smooth scratching motion.

Our cat scratching carpet are adopted anti-slip latex at the bottom,increase the cat scratch rug stability and thickness,so that your lovely cats may jump or swoop down freely on the cat scratch mat.

Besides being used as cat scratch mat, it is also for cat litter mat, cat play mat,cat corner scratch, cat wall scratch,cat scratch bed and anti cat scratch furniture protector,etc.



Bathar Co-cheangailte

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còmhdach suidheachan càr cù (2)
Bratan sgudail cat PVC
bratan sgudail cat a tha càirdeil don àrainneachd

Faighnich airson Aithris Luath

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