Cuir fios thugainn
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- Cuir fios thugainn
JinCheng Provides Various Customized Carpet & Mats Production Services Makes More Advantages
- Qualified vendor for Walmart,IKEA...
- Provide OEM & ODM service for 100+ international brands
- 14+ experience of manufacturing Carpet and Mats field
- Deep cooperate with 35 countries distributors
- List ItemAchieved CE, BSIC, REACH, SGS, ISO9001-2015, ISO45001-2018, ISO5001-2015 and AAA
- Credit Certificates
- High quality product with a reasonable price
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Shandong Jincheng Carpet Co., Ltd.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh & taic Cuir fios thugainn
14 bliadhna de dhualchas, ùr-ghnàthachadh agus foirfeachd.
Dealbhadh air Damand: Fuasglaidhean cruthachail 24/7 aig Your Sarvice
Tha sinn nar companaidh eòlach ann an raointean malairt cruinneil agus saothrachadh bhrat. Tha sinn dealasach a thaobh a bhith a’ toirt seachad toraidhean agus seirbheisean den chàileachd as àirde don luchd-ceannach againn
Cuir fios thugainn
- Fòn:+86-152-6346-3986
- Post-d: [email protected]
- Wechat/Whatsapp:+86-150-0634-5663
- Cuir ris: Anxian Village, Oifis Fo-sgìre Gaozhuang, Sgìre Laiwu, Cathair Jinan, Shandong, Sìona