contact us

JinCheng Provides Various Customized Carpet & Mats Production Services Makes More Advantages


We will contact you within 1 working day, please pay attention to the email with the suffix“[email protected]”.

*We respect your confidentiality and all information are protected.

We will only use your information to respond to your inquiry and will never send unsolicited emails or promotional messages.


Would you ike to chat with us about your projeetbeforehand? Feel free to send us an emall or giveus a call.


Anxian Village, Gaozhuang Subdistrict Office, Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong, China





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Avoid your inquiry is delay response, please enter your WhatsApp/Skype along with the message, so we can contact you at the very first time.

We will reply you within 24 hours. If for urgent case, please add WhatsApp/WeChat: +86-150-0634-5663. Or call +86-152-6346-3986 directly.

*We respect your confidentiality and all information are protected.We will only use your information to respond to your inquiry and will never send unsolicited emails or promotional messages.