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بساطات فضلات القطط المصنوعة من مادة البولي فينيل كلوريد

وصف المنتج:
  1. The eco-friendly cat litter mat is designed with grooves and mesh to capture cat litter from paws,the large size also provides help to capture cat litter,the floor will not be dirty.
  2. Mesh design of the cat litter mat will be very soft,cats will step on it will be very comfortable,cats will like to rest or play on the mat.
  3. The upgrade design bottom prevents urine from soaking through to your floors,and will keep this cat litter mat in a stable place.

Product Model:PVC cat litter mats

المعايير الفنية
مادة بي في سي
لون Red,Black,Gray,Blue,Custom color
شكل شكل المخلب
مقاس 40*60 سم، 45*75 سم، 60*90 سم، 80*100 سم، مقاس مخصص
سماكة 8-15 ملم
وزن 950 جرام-1400 جرام

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Environmental upgrades, refuse waste materials, non-toxic odor-free, healthy and environmentally friendly. The three-layer spiral encrypted silk coil, 4D surround and filter laid, adsorb cat litter and fix firmly.

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Our non-slip backing keeps your mat in place, even with very active kitties. Our high quality PVC material is resistant to liquids and can be washed with liquid soap or dish detergent, or sprayed down. Cleanup is easy. Our mats are softer than other similar mats. They are more comfy for kitty’s paws.Works great as a pet feeding mat too!

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Why Choose Us
1) Supplier to many brands since 2010.
2) Unlimited Color Options, No artwork
3) A team of staff with a collective knowledge of over 15 years experience in the industry.
4) Designer’s good understanding on fashion makes our designs distinctive.
5) Supporting group shipping services, OEM, and ODM.


No. 1 Cat Litter Mat Manufacturers and Suppliers

Introducing the Best PVC Cat Litter Mat: Durable Solution to Reduce Litter Tracking

Discover the ultimate PVC cat litter mat designed to keep your home clean and your feline friend happy. This أفضل حصيرة قمامة القطط هو متينحصيرة قمامة القطط المقاومة للماء that effectively reduces litter tracking, ensuring your floors stay pristine. Say goodbye to scattered litter and hello to a cleaner living space.

Why Choose Our PVC Cat Litter Mat?

اختيار good cat litter solution is essential for every cat owner. Our PVC cat litter mat stands out because it:

  • Traps Litter: The unique design traps litter بفعالية.
  • مادة متينة: Made from high-quality PVC for longevity.
  • يقلل من تناثر القمامة: Minimizes the spread of litter particles.

How Does the Cat Litter Mat Reduce Litter Tracking?

Our mat is meticulously crafted to reduce litter tracking by capturing litter particles outside the litter box. The textured surface ensures that litter clinging to your مخالب القطة is caught as they exit the صندوق القمامة, preventing it from spreading across your home.

What Makes This the Best Cat Litter Mat of 2024?

من بين 5 best cat litter mats available, ours is distinguished by:

  • محاصرة القمامة بشكل فعال: The mat effectively traps litter from all angles.
  • Large Enough: It's large enough to cover the area around the صندوق القمامة.
  • سهولة التنظيف: Simply shake off or vacuum the trapped litter.

Is the PVC Cat Litter Mat Durable?

بالتأكيد! تم صنع حصيرة of robust PVC material that withstands daily use. Its durability ensures:

  • Long-Term Use:مقاومة للتآكل والتلف.
  • Scratch Resistant: Handles your cat's natural scratching behavior.
  • ضد للماء: ال waterproof mat protects your floors from spills.

How Does the Mat Trap Litter Particles?

The mat features a unique اصطياد القمامة design:

  • سطح محكم: Grabs جزيئات القمامة from your cat's paws.
  • Deep Grooves: Stores trapped litter until you clean it.
  • دعم غير قابل للانزلاق: Keeps the mat in place for optimal performance.

Is the Mat Safe for Your Cat?

نعم، PVC cat litter mat is crafted with your pet's safety in mind:

  • Non-Toxic Material: Safe for even the most sensitive cats.
  • ناعمة على الكفوف: Gentle texture ensures comfort.
  • مضاد للحساسية: Suitable for cats with allergies.

How to Clean the PVC Cat Litter Mat?

Maintaining the mat is simple:

  1. التخلص من القمامة: Remove loose litter over a trash can.
  2. اغسل السجادة: Rinse with water or wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. تجفيف سريع: The waterproof PVC dries rapidly.

Does the Mat Fit Under Large Litter Boxes?

The mat's generous size accommodates various صندوق القمامة sizes:

  • Standard and Jumbo Sizes:مناسب ل large litter boxes.
  • Flexible Design: Easily adjusted to fit your space.
  • يحمي الأرضيات: Covers more area to prevent نثر القمامة.

What Do Cat Owners Say About This Litter Trapping Mat?

Cat owners are raving about the benefits:

"This is the best litter mat I've ever used. It traps litter perfectly, and cleaning it is a breeze!" - Emily R.

Comparison with Other Top Mats

ميزة Our PVC Mat Silicone Mat Fabric Mat
Litter Trapping ممتاز جيد عدل
متانة عالي واسطة قليل
Waterproof Cat Litter Mat نعم نعم لا
سهلة التنظيف نعم نعم لا
Safe for Your Cat نعم نعم نعم

How Does This Mat Help Reduce Litter Tracking?

By placing the mat outside the litter box, it:

  • Captures Litter: Ensures minimal stray litter particles.
  • يحافظ على نظافة الأرضيات: Prevents litter from spreading.
  • Simplifies Cleaning: Less time spent sweeping and vacuuming.

Invest in the Best Cat Litter Mat Today

Don't settle for less when you can have the أفضل حصيرة قمامة القطط. This متينحصيرة قمامة القطط المقاومة للماء offers a practical solution to common litter problems. Enhance your pet's comfort and maintain a spotless home effortlessly.

Order Now and experience the difference!




المنتجات ذات الصلة

How litter pads catch and trap litter
حصائر خدش القطط (3)
غطاء مقعد السيارة للكلاب (2)
حصائر قمامة القطط المصنوعة من مادة البولي فينيل كلوريد المخصصة

اطلب عرض أسعار سريع

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*نحن نحترم خصوصيتك وجميع المعلومات محمية. سوف نستخدم معلوماتك فقط للرد على استفسارك ولن نرسل أبدًا رسائل بريد إلكتروني غير مرغوب فيها أو رسائل ترويجية.