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JinCheng Provides Various Customized Carpet & Mats Production Services Makes More Advantages


We will contact you within 1 working day, please pay attention to the email with the suffix“[email protected]”.

*We respect your confidentiality and all information are protected.

We will only use your information to respond to your inquiry and will never send unsolicited emails or promotional messages.


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Деревня Аньсянь, районный офис Гаочжуан, район Лайу, город Цзинань, Шаньдун, Китай





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Мы ответим вам в течение 24 часов. Если случай срочный, добавьте WhatsApp/WeChat: +86-150-0634-5663. Или позвоните напрямую по телефону +86-152-6346-3986.

*We respect your confidentiality and all information are protected.We will only use your information to respond to your inquiry and will never send unsolicited emails or promotional messages.